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What is half of ¾ cup? ½ of ¾ cup equals 6 tablespoons, 3/8 cup, 3 fl oz, or 18 teaspoons. To figure out what is ½ of ¾ cup, you need to figure out ¾ cup divided by 2. ¾ is equivalent to 6/8, so half ¾ cup equals 3/8. It’s useful to know half of ¾ cups when baking or cooking, particularly if you halve recipes.

half of 3 4 cup

What is ½ of ¾ cup? Here is the half of three quarters of a cup formula to remember:

¾ cup halved = 6 tablespoons

Half of 3/4 Cup

Here’s a conversion table for cutting ¾ cup in half, one third, and one fourth (plus other measurement conversions):

Measurement½ Measurement1/3 Measurement¼ Measurement
1 cup ½ cup 1/3 cup ¼ cup
7/8 cup ¼ cup + 3 tablespoons ¼ cup + 2 teaspoons 3 tablespoons + 1.5 teaspoons
¾ cup ¼ cup + 2 tablespoons ¼ cup 3 tablespoons
2/3 cup 1/3 cup 3 tablespoons + 1 2/3 teaspoons 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons
5/8 cup ¼ cup + 1 tablespoon 3 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon 2.5 tablespoons
½ cup ¼ cup 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons 2 tablespoons
3/8 cup 3 tablespoons 1/8 cup 1.5 tablespoons
1/3 cup 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons 1 tablespoon + 2 1/3 teaspoons 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon
¼ cup 2 tablespoons 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon 1 tablespoon
1/8 cup 1 tablespoon 2 teaspoons ½ tablespoon
1 tablespoon (tbsp) 1 teaspoon 1/3 teaspoon ¼ teaspoon
1 teaspoon (tsp) ½ teaspoon 1/3 teaspoon ¼ teaspoon
¾ teaspoon 3/8 teaspoon ¼ teaspoon 3/16 teaspoon
½ teaspoon ¼ teaspoon 1/6 teaspoon 1/8 teaspoon
¼ teaspoon 1/8 teaspoon 1/12 teaspoon 1/16 teaspoon

P.S. I noticed that the 1/3 of 1/3 cup and 2/3 cup measurements have the same incorrect conversions on a lot of sites. (One of the many reasons it’s a bad idea to copy your homework!) Also, you’re going to need to estimate for some of these with pinch or dash measures.

What is ½ of ¾ in cups?

How much is half of ¾ cup in cups? One half of ¾ cup is 3/8 cup. Here’s the simple calculation:

¾*½ = 3/8

This formula will help you answer:

  • What’s half of ¾?
  • What’s ¾ cup divided in half?
  • Half of ¾ of a cup is how much?
  • What’s half of three quarters cup?

…you get the idea!

How do you split ¾ of a cup?

Since ¾ cup equals 12 tablespoons, use 6 tablespoons to split it in half. This is also equivalent to ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons.

What is half of ¾ cup in tsp?

½ of ¾ cup in teaspoons equals 18 teaspoons. I don’t recommend measuring out that many tsp of dry ingredients in baking recipes. Measure flour, sugar, and so on with a kitchen scale (not a volume measurement) for the greatest accuracy.

What is ½ of ¾ cup as a fraction?

What is ¾ split in half? ½ of ¾ as a fraction equals 3/8.

Is ¾ cup less than a half?

¾ and a half are not the same. ¾ is more than ½. ¾ is actually 1.5 times ½.

What is ¾ tsp divided in half?

¾ tsp cut in half equals 3/8 tsp. You can measure this using the ¼ teaspoon 1.5 times.

How to divide 1¾ cup in half?

Half of 1¾ cups equals 7/8 cups, 14 tablespoons, 42 teaspoons, 7 fluid ounces, or 207 ml.

What is ¾ cup in tablespoons?

¾ cup is how many tablespoons? ¾ cup is 12 tbsp.

How do you measure ¾ cup?

For baking, I generally recommend using a kitchen scale for dry ingredients instead of volume measurements for more accurate measurement. For cooking and how to measure half of ¾ cup liquid in baking, you can use measuring cups and spoons. My one cup measuring cup has a fill line inside of it for ¾ cup measure.

What is half of ¾ cup in grams?

The answer to this question depends on what’s measured, since 3/4 cup is a measure of volume and grams is a measure of weight. Ingredients that are dense will weigh more in grams per 3/4 cup. Half of 3/4 cup water equals approximately 90 grams (0.09 kilograms) of water.

What is half of ¾ cup sugar?

½ of ¾ cup of sugar equals approximately 72 grams, and equals 6 tablespoons.

What is half of ¾ cup butter?

½ of ¾ cup of butter equals approximately 84 grams. (However, if your recipe calls for this ingredient, it’s much easier to just cut 6 tbsp off the stick of butter.)

What is half of ¾ cup peanut butter?

½ of ¾ cup peanut butter equals approximately 96 grams, or 6 tbsp.

What is half of ¾ cup flour?

½ of ¾ cup of all purpose flour equals approximately 45 grams, or 6 tbsp. (Remember it’s best to break out the kitchen scales for dry measuring!)

What is half of ¾ cup chocolate chips?

½ of ¾ cup chocolate chips equals approximately 84 grams or 6 tbsp.

What is half of ¾ cup in ml?

What is half of ¾ cup liquid? ½ of ¾ cup equals 88.72 mL of liquid ingredients. If you have a measuring cup in milliliters, use this liquid measuring conversion to answer what is half of ¾ cup milk, water, oil, vinegar, honey, and other wet ingredients.

What is half of ¾ cup in tbsp?

Up until this point, we’ve covered half of 3/4c using the US customary system (US cups, etc). There are also United States legal units (used in nutrition labeling), the Imperial system, and the metric system used in the United Kingdom (UK), Australia, and Canada.

Here is a kitchen conversion chart for converting ½ of ¾c in these international units:

Measuring System½ of 3/4 Cup (C, US Customary Cup)
Teaspoons (t, tsp) 18
US Tablespoon (T, Tbsp) 6
US Legal Cup 0.370
Metric Tablespoon 5.915
Metric Cup 0.355
Imperial Teaspoon 14.988
Imperial Tablespoon 4.996
Imperial Cup 0.312
Imperial Pints 0.156
Imperial Gallons 0.020
Australian Teaspoon 17.744
Australian Tablespoon 4.436
Milliliters (mL) 88.721
Liter (L) 0.089
Cubic Centimeters (cc) 88.721
Cubic Meters 8.8721e-5
Cubic Inches 5.414


What is half of ¼ cup in cooking?

Half of one quarter cup is 2 tbsp, 1/8 cup, 6 teaspoons, 1 fluid ounce, or approximately 30mL.

What is half of ½ cup?

Half of ½ cup is ¼ cup, 4 tablespoons, 12 teaspoons, 2 fl oz, or approximately 60 mL.

What is half of 1/3 cup?

Half of 1/3 cup is 1/6 cup, 8 teaspoons, 2 2/3 tablespoons, 1 1/3 fl oz, or approximately 39mL.

What is half of 2/3 cup?

Half of 2/3 cup is 1/3 cup, 16 teaspoons, 5 1/3 tablespoons, 2 2/3 fl oz, or approximately 79 mL.

Is there a ¾ cup measuring cup?

Yes, you can buy ¾ measuring cups by themselves (on Amazon here), or as part of a set (here). If your measuring cup set doesn’t have a ¾ cup, you can use ½ cup plus ¼ cup.

How to make ¾ cup with ½ cup?

To measure ¾ cup with ½ cup, measure out 1.5 of the half cups. No calculator needed!

More Measurement Conversions

If you enjoyed learning how much is half of ¾ cup, don’t miss these other measurement articles:

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Half of ¾ Cup Video

half of 3 4 cup

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  1. Grateful someone else did the math for me. I can’t ever figure out this when I am trying to change a recipe to lower or increase certain measurements.

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